Dermal Fillers Specialist

Williamsburg Dental Arts
Cosmetic Dentistry & General Dentistry located in Brooklyn, NY
The technological advancements of modern medicine allow for dental professionals to provide more options than ever before. Dentistry can now offer patients more customizable options for cosmetic work on the size, shape and color of teeth. Additionally, dentists can now offer patients the chance to continue enhancing specific features on the face such as removing wrinkles and highlighting cheekbones.
Dermal Fillers Q & A
Is Dermal Filler Treatment Right for You?
Anyone who is interested in cosmetic dentistry or a smile makeover will be excited to hear that there are more options and customizations to choose when enhancing one's appearance. As we age, the teeth will begin to yellow and fade along with the appearance of the smile beginning to sag. When this happens, people feel powerless in changing or stopping this natural occurrence altogether. Fortunately, we have the solution with Dermal Filler Treatment.
We can use Dermal Filler Treatment in conjunction with Botox® treatments, if necessary. Patients will be able to have the dream smile they want without intensive procedures or surgery. Below are a few questions that we hear on a regular basis about Dermal Filler Treatment and the treatment process. If your question is not on this page, give us a call at (347) 763-9394 and we will be happy to answer any other questions.
What is Dermal Filler Treatment?
Dermal Filler Treatment consists of hyaluronic acid fillers that can add volume to different areas of the face without the need for surgery. With the appearance of a clear gel, Dermal Filler Treatment requires a medical professional to administer it into specific areas of the face. With Dermal Filler Treatment, we can help highlight and enhance specific areas of one's face as part of a cosmetic dental treatment.
Patients are able to go over possible options and describe what they want for the procedure. We will have all the necessary resources available and be free to go over any other factors the patient needs to know.
How does Dermal Filler Treatment work?
Dermal Filler Treatment is a component that we will inject into certain areas of the face with a thin needle. The procedure will not take long and is not painful. We will place specific amounts of Dermal Filler Treatment into certain areas of the face to enhance the patient's appearance.
Dermal Filler Treatment helps to create a more uplifted appearance in the face. From there, the patient will take several days to see the positive change in appearance. Patients do not need to worry about an adverse reaction to Dermal Filler Treatment since we will take in the patient's medical history and any forms of allergy before going through with the procedure.
How much does Dermal Filler Treatment cost?
The price of the Dermal Filler Treatment treatment will vary on the individual's insurance coverage and the type of Dermal Filler Treatment procedure the patient chooses. We will be happy to go over the possible price range and insurance coverage with you during a consultation. At this time, we will also determine if there are any other key factors that may alter the Dermal Filler Treatment process.
Can I use Dermal Filler Treatment at home without professional medical assistance?
No. It is not safe for someone to use Dermal Filler Treatment without a medical professional who has the proper training to administer Dermal Filler Treatment without adverse side effects. A medical professional can also ensure that the process goes smoothly and does not harm the patient. Without the necessary medical training and knowledge, an individual can cause more issues for his or her health.
Will the Dermal Filler Treatment process be painful?
In some cases, patients may experience some soreness in the areas of the face following the procedure. However, the soreness will dissipate fairly quickly and we can recommend certain medications to help relieve any discomfort.
How long will the process take?
When will I start to see results?
Patients will begin to see a difference after the procedure and continue to see improvement over the next several days.
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